Directed by James Rutherford
Choreographed by Laura Butler Rivera
Devised by the ensemble:
Christopher Cancel, Camber Donahoe, Jon Froehlich, Rachel Kodweis, Maury Miller, Casey Robinson and Emily Viancourt
Scenic Design Kristen Robinson
Lighting Design Bruce Steinberg
Stage Manager Alejandra Maldonado
Production Manager Susan Hyon
Costume Design Olga Mill
Sound Design David Skeist, Michael Costagliola, Alex Clifford
Technical Director Harrison Beauregard
Press Rep David Gibbs/DARR Publicity
M-34’s James Rutherford (The Importance of Being Ernest Hemingway), fresh from assisting Peter Brook on The Valley of Astonishment, collaborates with physical theater ensemble Cloud of Fools (The Whistling Mortician) on ALL THAT DIES AND RISES, a theatrical experiment in the tradition of Grotowski and Meyerhold, finding ecstatic movement in the text of August Strindberg, Anne Carson, Gertrude Stein and Charles Bukowski. ALL THAT DIES AND RISES is a hurricane of sweat and laughter, asking how we go on in the face of catastrophe.
Performances: December 11-21
The running time of ALL THAT DIES AND RISES is one hour, without an intermission.
Thursday December 11: 8pm
Friday December 12: 8pm
Saturday December 13: 8pm
Sunday December 14: 3pm & 8pm
Thursday December 18: 8pm
Friday December 19: 8pm
Saturday December 20: 3pm & 8pm
Sunday December 21: 3pm
Venue: IATI Theater — 64 E 4th Street
The theater is wheelchair accessible.